This plugin is no longer in development and or getting worked on

seems to just change the baseplate and lighting to allow different backgrounds for working on a baseplate.

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That sounds kinda redundant lol

FOR 135 ROBUX???

did you for real just copy this plugin

and sell it for 135 robux?


bro really thinks it’s okay to steal someone’s plugin and make money off of it :skull: :skull: :skull:

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Why am I not surprised

I can tell its made by @DutchDeveloper

Same style and coding only difference the UI and they added more to it

I don’t see any strong evidence that @duckstz stole Better BasePlate.

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i’d love to see proof where i actually stole the code, as you are claiming that the code is the same.

Nothing was stolen and everything was made from scratch

whoops, i think i meant this one. i remember one had the same UI as this one

Not even similar. Some research before trying to slander him would’ve been good.

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Weird that neither of the plugins you linked have the same UI, ability to set the lighting, custom presets or saving ability. Almost like they’re nothing alike :scream:

I love it when people just pin bad things to people’s work without any evidence to back up their claims

If the UI is different how is it the same style? Did you buy the plugin to see the code? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

@duckstz ignore the haters bro, good plugin. Buying for support!!!

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I don’t see any thing obvious but its clearly using parts of my code.
but if we look deeper, for example in LoadingModule on 242 the code looks way too similar, look at the reset code is exactly spelled like mine “CustomBasePlates”



Another example loading the textures the exact ame way:



And another example the Gui (Right side is mine) its just things moved around but looks the same and has the same features.

this is what i found in the couple of minutes looking at the code but i am sure there are more similarities.

so in short “Nothing was stolen and everything was made from scratch” is a complete lie
there are way too many similarities and the line of the reset code gives it away that its copied from my code.

therefore i would like @DUCKSTZ to take down this plugin because its violating my intelectual property


I have seen a plugin somewhere with the same UI. however i have forgotten where.

All of those plugins i have linked are all just guesses. Since i didn’t buy these plugins. However, i know that these plugins do the same thing. There’s no source because theres no images.

i just posted proof that he stole parts of my code.


mostly why i tag you in this post just to make sure they didnt steal it from you. since to me its looks the same lol

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Thank you, I’ll probably pass this through to dev relations because it’s not okay to just blatantly steal someone’s work then “recode it” and then upload as your creation and then claiming it’s made from scratch


ill be taking it down myself, as im not willing to get into trouble.

Sorry if i made you think that i did steal stuff and maybe you’re right some stuff is similar

i appoligize

So the only “clear” instance is where he makes a common misspelling? BasePlates?

How else is he supposed to do it? Textures have the same properties, are you really claiming intellectual ownership of the Texture properties? Or is it because he spelled ColorR? Isn’t that a more readable way to do it?

So you want him to make textures apparent with another UI that’s not displaying the texture being used in the baseplate? You’re claiming that the studio window provided by the plugin API with images on a grid is intellectual property owned by you?

I don’t think this is fair to say since you’re basing the main argument off a misspelling in a singular line in a 300+ line plugin, while you could claim “Well but he did game:GetService(“HttpService”):JSONEncode() instead of using a service variable!” that’s not really an uncommon thing to see around in code, I do thinks like that

If you look at all the ways you can make this it’s really curious that the way that he has made it is just way too similar.
Also I don’t think it’s a spelling mistake if you genuinely look at the line it can’t be a coincidence.