Better way to allow audio permission

I’m in a situation where I have hundreds of sounds that I often re-use across different projects but I find myself having to grant permission for each individual sound despite the sound being used under a place that exists in the same group that the sounds were originally uploaded to.

The Audio Discovery plugin is completely non-functional and I have no idea what the use case for this plugin is anyway and granting permissions for each sound individually by going into its properties one-by-one pasting in a Universe ID is extremely impractical and drastically affects my workflow.

A workaround that I found was to upload the place into a new version of itself (this is usually not an issue since you’d typically have a development version of your game anyway), then re-publish the new version back into the old one which would prompt you to grant all sound permission making this process super easy and quick. This is, however, no longer functional. Not sure if this is a bug or it was intentionally removed or maybe I’m doing something wrong but I think this feature is required since you are always uploading new sounds to your development place that would then need to be granted permission for the live version of your game, again, highly impractical.

Sounds that are uploaded under a particular group should be given access to that Group ID instead of just a single Universe ID, this would make far more sense since the audio technically belongs to that group.
If the purpose for Audio Discovery is to easily grant permission then I would like to request a checkup on this plugin because it doesn’t seem functional at the moment, and if not then being able to easily grant permission across all audio is a much needed feature, even if by any chance audio uploaded to a place could be used across all games under that group (for experiences that don’t share a group).

And of course, if there is an off-chance that I’m completely missing something that makes granting permission super easy, please let me know because I can’t find any. Thanks.


It was originally an emergency tool for us to quickly locate audio that was expected to stop working when the “temporary” ban on public audio was initiated last year.


Yeah, then we’ll need some new and efficient method of quickly granting audio permission, it will literally take me hours to do this manually.


I used to use your workaround idea but even that just recently stopped working. I no longer get that Permissions to all sounds gui when publishing to another place :frowning: