I’ve been reading around the past few days trying to find which way is the best for a gun. I’ve come up with a way but I was just wanting to be clear to see if this is truly the better way.
My thoughts:
Cast a ray and make a bullet follow client side then take the bullet hit and send it to server. Now, I am not sure if this is the best way to come across this but since we cannot add bullet drop and physical properties to a casted ray, this was the only thing I could come up so far.
My issue:
All I am asking for is if you, the person reading this is experienced with gun making if you have maybe any tips or a better way to come across the physics of bullets and realistic guns.
Now, I have no code to show at the moment because I like to get all of the information I need then plan out how I will accomplish it, then write it out. If you can help, thank you so much!