BetterRunService Module

Better RunService

an alternative version of RunService.

Benefit from this module:

  • BindToHeartbeat (which this doesn’t exist in RunService functional)
  • BindToPostSimulation (which this doesn’t exist in RunService functional)
  • UnbindFromHeartbeat (for BindToHeartbeat)
  • UnbindFromPostSimulation (for BindToPostSimulation)

This module was made for developers that wanted to use a function that like BindToRenderStepped but on Server-Sided.

This module also had every default RunService functional and already optimized.
From the benefits is not supported for parallel

Version 1.0

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For GitHub Repo soon

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Servers do not render anything, so this can’t exist. It would at best be using Stepped or Heartbeat.

These benefits are rendered useless with this simple code:

local c = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()


-- later:

I do not wanna sound like a hater, but this resource is just simply uselless, as the guy above mentioned, Servers do not render anything, all servers see are numbers and data, Only clients will render this data, thats why you cannot call renderstepped from server.


This is not possible.

What is the reason people would use this module over the default RunService? What are the benefits of using it over RunService?

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Hate to be that guy, but who the hell cares about using BindToRenderStepped and RenderStepped in the server anyways, Take a look at my crappy diagram

and by “Client Data”, I mean the rendering in the client, Only the client renders, not the server, even my evil twin is spittin’ facts about why RenderStepped is locked to client

Sorry if I sounded rude but this is useless because the client does the rendering job while the server does the data loading job

Closest thing to “server rendering stuff” is a Listen Server, in-which a client both acts as the server but also has a local player to play and render the game. Commonly used in singleplayer (who have a multiplayer option aswell) or coop games but Roblox Studio play solo also uses something similar.

Listen Server is also referred to as P2P, in which the server (host) acts as the authority for the game session for other clients to join to. Roblox’s equivelant to Listen/P2P server is Reserved Servers which isn’t actually hosted on the client and still runs on Roblox’s end.

P.S I’d like to mention Listen Servers aren’t technically P2P since if it was, remote clients would be able to send data between each other than only sending data to the host and have the host send data to other clients.

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they are not rendered

i know that, that why i make this module for someone that want a functionn that semiliar with BindToRenderStep

i know that is not possible, i make this module for someone that need a function like BindToRenderStep only.

He’s saying that these benefits are considered useless as you can disconnect the function