BevelPart Object

Hey everybody!

Let’s keep this short and sweet. Beveled Parts. They take down your perfomance, but sometimes you need them. From couch cushions to old stones or bricks, we need an option to round the edges of parts.

Currently it’s really part heavy to make your own beveled part.

Usually you can’t union all of these parts due to excessive errors.

Here’s what it looks like put together.

This is why we need this object. Something this simple looking is way too complicated to create at the moment.

If you wanted to get really fancy, the BeveledPart object should have a property to control how rounded the edges are. From tiny bevels to large bevels.

Leave a comment if you’ve got more ideas about this, Thank You.


Absolutely splendid idea. Although, I don’t think an extension of BasePart would be the correct way to accomplish this. It’s probably better of being extended off of a mesh. It doesn’t affect physics, so a BeveledPart would essentially be the exact same as a Part aside from the appearance which is why it would fit better as a mesh. But again, this is definitely something I’d want.

I made a plugin for this that works on regular parts and unions

Mine generates flat bevels, which is what you want if you’re going to have more than one of those parts. The super rounded model you made is insanely high poly. Originally in tiny tanks we had high quality bevels like that but absolutely no one could run it above 30 FPS, and that’s with like 20 of them on the screen at once. You definitely want a lower level of detail for that kind of thing.

[quote] I made a plugin for this that works on regular parts and unions

Mine generates flat bevels, which is what you want if you’re going to have more than one of those parts. The super rounded model you made is insanely high poly. Originally in tiny tanks we had high quality bevels like that but absolutely no one could run it above 30 FPS, and that’s with like 20 of them on the screen at once. You definitely want a lower level of detail for that kind of thing. [/quote]

I find the bevels it makes way too tiny, and way too low poly. I’d rather take a huge performance hit with actual rounded edges instead of giving them only 1 extra side. I appreciate you making this though, I’ll keep it for maybe the occasional stone brick I might end up making!

Trust me, if I could easily union these bigger bevels to try to reduce the polycount, I would in a heartbeat. This is why I think a Bevel Part is so necessary!


If you need it, you can use this alternative…

If needed, I can work on a ModuleScript to figure out the corners, because those are hard to do with the axis tools and such.

To be honest, I think smooth terrain may be able to solve a few of these issues. However if Roblox was able to add bevels that are customizable with hardly any lag, that’d be awesome. It would open up so many new possibilities in the building scene and allow builders to create even better looking places.

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[quote] If you need it, you can use this alternative…

If needed, I can work on a ModuleScript to figure out the corners, because those are hard to do with the axis tools and such. [/quote]

This is the same solution Ethan had. It’s just not enough curve when you do that.


How much curve is enough curve, then? One face is too little, six (quarter of a CylinderMesh is enough, but stacks up fast. Is there a value between these two numbers that you would find acceptable.

[quote] If you need it, you can use this alternative…

If needed, I can work on a ModuleScript to figure out the corners, because those are hard to do with the axis tools and such. [/quote]
how in the world do you do that without getting errors?
tell me your secrets!

I’m fine with 6 sides for a curve. The current problem is that 50% of those cylinders and 75% of the spheres you see in the image aren’t being seen by players. An official mesh would lower that polycount by quite a lot because it wouldn’t be rendering sides that aren’t visible at all.


This belongs in Client Features

Also, you could ask M0RGOTH to add this to his CSG primitives? Be a good temporary fix.

You can kind of do this. (Bottom section.)

  • insert SpecialMesh into brick
  • MeshId = (from the Forbidden Box gear)
  • run this code in command bar to shape it correctly b = game.Selection:Get()[1] scale=.4 b.Mesh.Scale =*scale,b.Size.y*scale,b.Size.z*scale)

But it doesn’t work well with flat and elongated bricks because it’s just a file mesh after all.

Edit: If someone wants the wall here it is

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I’m fine with 6 sides for a curve. The current problem is that 50% of those cylinders and 75% of the spheres you see in the image aren’t being seen by players. An official mesh would lower that polycount by quite a lot because it wouldn’t be rendering sides that aren’t visible at all.[/quote]

did you try cutting the parts so they don’t intersect? I’ve found that if I do that, not only does it not have tris that weren’t cut off, it will usually also delete the tris between the faces.

EDIT: better yet, screw additive modeling, go both subtractive and additive: