BGest map in robloxia!

I’ve been developing this project slowly and passively for over a year now, it has alot of maps that you might remember playing back then like parkour and apocalypse rising.

I originally intended for this to test out 64 bit update on roblox but it has grew more and more into what we have today. This is a collection of the famous maps mashed into one that roblox servers barely still uphold running this game.

There are some bit of gameplay in here like obvioulsy, exploring. there’s few badges in the game in which you can try and find them all.

Currently im working for another update in this game but im bit stuck on it since i have huge problems with understanding how to set up datastores when it comes to saving tables and loading them into local.

Also developers, if you have saw your map in here and you don’t like that i am using it, please comment here and i’ll try to get in contact with you to resolve the problem :grin:

Here are some screenshots for you to get to know with this game a bit more:
A literal map showing X and Y size of the BGest map:

A look on how the whole map looks like:

Progress screenshots:


(Why is this the only one I recognise… I should be ashamed…)


Nothing to be ashamed of, you can discover and get to know with alot of maps that you have not seen or slightly remember. Remember, this game is about exploring the new places in one big island :smiley:

Great map real huge and so much to discover

My guess is you will turn it to an action filled game but the real question is how well is it optimised?
The general players wont be running on better than average machines to play the game

To answer your question, i tried optimizing it with my friend and we did well job on this. Although, optimizing it so it will run really perfect is almost impossible since it’s a big map and we already put alot of effort into doing this, few of my friends playtested on their phones and most of them ran the game just fine. It’s just that you need alot of ram maybe around 4-6 gigs for the game specifically.

To answer your another question, if roblox will upgrade their servers like adding more ram into it since apparently it has 6250 mb ram currently and map takes 90% of it all, i could make either action game or hide and seek. It would be really interesting how it can actually turn out.

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Have you experimented with Roblox’s new occlusion culling beta? Since your map is comprised from seemingly only parts and meshes it could prove aid a great deal on draw calls & triangle counts.


I have actually seen post about that not long ago, i would like to try out and tinker with it when it releases. Not sure if i could try it out currently while it’s on the beta since i can’t properly testplay the game in studio.

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You can enable wireframe view to check if it works; also check if it’s ticked on in your Beta features tab. I don’t think it currently works in live games but it’s a cool thing to see & be able to gather how the draw calls are culled.

I’ll check it out later in Studio. You’re right about it not working in live games since it’s a beta feature, but i hope to see it released as soon as possible.

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This map looks VERY GOOD AND VERY BIG! Great job on it! How long did it take to create? It’s insanely big, and looks very cool! This game seems very exciting!

Thank you Philip, this project is now 1 year old since i ever started it. It took me lots, i mean, LOTS of research about old maps and to see which one fits into the map, but i like how it turned out :smiley:

Awesome. Don’t know what BGest is but i would totally walk around and explore this map for like an hour or 2

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what’s the area of the map in studs²?

2,315,189,500 studs^2 if im pretty sure

crazy, my biggest project is at around 7,204,493 studs^2

Still decently big, great job though!