Bidding on an ad took my Robux twice

So, today, just like every day for a while now, I bid the same amount of Robux on 6 different ads at the same time. Except today, something went horribly wrong and the second to last ad took the Robux out of my account twice, while only showing the bid for half the total amount taken:

I only pressed the button once. The page auto refreshed after hitting the accept button, as usual. But, after having bid on the last ad in that list, the page refreshed again, and the previous ad somehow increased by 2000 in the total bid section. I went to my transactions to confirm what happened:

I included the bottom ad purchase as a date reference, so you can see the 7 and not 6(!) most recent bids for today. The Robux has indeed been deducted from my account. Now it gets weirder. One of my co-developers sees the exact same ad page as if the duplicate bid had never even happened:

I have no idea why this happened, this has never happened before in my 10+ years of being on Roblox, and the amount of Robux is rather small, but this seems like a very serious bug.


Hi! Sorry you’re having this issue. It seems like a race condition - no changes have been made to this page recently. We’ll put in a change to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

In the meantime, please file a CS ticket for a refund :money_with_wings: Let me know if you have any problems with it.


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