Big Advanced Project | Feedback | TheDocks

Hi! :wave::wave:
So im working on my personal project: TheDocks and wanted to share it with you all. The game takes place in the future in a cyberpunk/medieval/sci-fi era (dont know if it makes any sense). For now, I’m focusing on creating a style that I will follow in my future development, so I’m looking for some advice on what I could add or change in the current project? Currently, a poor port town has been created in which the inhabitants will mainly engage in trade and fishing. There will be important buildings and shops here which will later replace the existing houses for some more unique look.

Short video showcase (old version):


Stunning work man keep this up, keep us posted!

Wow this looks really good! Good job on this but I would inform you that you shouldn’t spam your topics. I see that you recently made something similar, please don’t do that as it’s against the rules and will get this post taken down. You should be patient of you want to have feedback, rather than trying to rush it.