Big animation blending problem

I’ve been trying to make my animations compliant with Roblox’s AnimationWeightedBlendFix, but I’m running into some very odd behavior.

As you can see in this gif, the sword holding animation changes whenever I slash, and shifts in the direction the slash animation ends. Note the position of the arms at the end of each slash, and how the position changes after every slash.

The slash animation’s priority is Action, and the holding animation’s priority is Movement, as proven in this output:

I’ve tried simply stopping the holding animation and restarting it when the slash ends. This yields the exact same results.

They appear to be blending even though the slash animation’s priority is higher. Isn’t this not supposed to happen?

To make my animations compliant, I’ve attempted to do Option 1 in Roblox’s original forum post about AnimationWeightedBlendFix, linked here:

Any help is appreciated.