Big games - Important informations

This is not full for the moment. Only main informations are wrote.

There informations are for the game Big games.

1. Stored datas
:red_circle: Your datas are stored in Roblox using the DataStores.
:red_circle: You only can read/edit your datas by using the different places of the game.
:red_circle: All of your datas and all your messages in the chat are sent to Discord. These informations must comply with the Discord’s rules.
:red_circle: There is a public history with the usernames of the players on the Discord server. You can find it in the social links of the game.

2. Copyrights
:red_circle: For the soundtracks, the attribution is respected because there is the name of the music and of his author in a little notification. Look at the :brain: brain time 1.
:red_circle: I used the ideas and sometimes the soundtracks of the original games. It was not wrote the ideas was copyrighted. For the reused soundtrack, I tried to find the sources of them, but I didn’t found all.

🧠 Brain time 1 🤯

When somebody upload a soundtrack on Roblox, the somebody need to own a correct license to make Roblox (and all games) able to redistribute (and use) this soundtrack (without any attribution).

So :
- People that upload soundtracks have to buy the license that makes Roblox (and all of his games) able to re-use the soundtrack without any attribution.
- Soundtracks imported on Roblox are allowed to use in all Roblox games.

Example :
For the Poisoned Sky Ruins soundtrack in Deathrun (link not allowed), the developers had to buy the broadcast license (“BUSINESS License + National and International TV/Radio/Internet advertising, Unlimited audience size”), and make Roblox able to use the soundtrack.

If anything is wrong here, tell me what.

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