This is not full for the moment. Only main informations are wrote.
There informations are for the game Big games.
1. Stored datas
Your datas are stored in Roblox using the DataStores.
You only can read/edit your datas by using the different places of the game.
All of your datas and all your messages in the chat are sent to Discord. These informations must comply with the Discord’s rules.
There is a public history with the usernames of the players on the Discord server. You can find it in the social links of the game.
2. Copyrights
For the soundtracks, the attribution is respected because there is the name of the music and of his author in a little notification. Look at the brain time 1.
I used the ideas and sometimes the soundtracks of the original games. It was not wrote the ideas was copyrighted. For the reused soundtrack, I tried to find the sources of them, but I didn’t found all.
🧠Brain time 1 🤯
When somebody upload a soundtrack on Roblox, the somebody need to own a correct license to make Roblox (and all games) able to redistribute (and use) this soundtrack (without any attribution).
So :
- People that upload soundtracks have to buy the license that makes Roblox (and all of his games) able to re-use the soundtrack without any attribution.
- Soundtracks imported on Roblox are allowed to use in all Roblox games.
Example :
For the Poisoned Sky Ruins soundtrack in Deathrun (link not allowed), the developers had to buy the broadcast license (“BUSINESS License + National and International TV/Radio/Internet advertising, Unlimited audience size”), and make Roblox able to use the soundtrack.
If anything is wrong here, tell me what.