Billboard Click not working - please help!

I have a textbutton in my Billboard GUI, and the code is as follows:

	for _, egg in pairs(eggs:GetChildren()) do
		local eggData = eggsData[egg.Name];
		local billboard = game.ReplicatedStorage["Egg Templates"]["Main Billboard"]:Clone();
		billboard.Frame.Frame["Hatch 1"].C.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()

The remote doesn’t fire. The billboard gui is:

Put the billboard gui in StarterGui. “Main Billboard” has a property called “Adornee”. Set the adornee to the part you want it to be attached to and you should be good to go.

Billboard guis not in PlayerGui cannot be interacted with


If I remember correctly…
To interact with UI in workspace like SurfaceGui and BillBoardGui you need to keep them in PlayerGui (place them in StarterGui) and then set their Adornee property onto the object in order for the UI to appear.

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Oh, that makes alot more since. Can I clone it to the player gui instead so I can have it auto clone to every egg?

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Yeah. Just get the player from a remoteevent then change it from there.

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It worked, thank you so much! Hours trying to figure this out… lol

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