As shown on the video the billboard is following behind it’s adornee, where the part is being moved constantly based on camera position to create an illusion that the planet in the game is big. You can see where the billboard is supposed to be with the visible white neon part, and notice how the billboard is lagging behind it
I tried to cancel out the billboard lag/delay by getting the speed of how fast the camera is going, but is still very laggy (not sure if I had done that right honestly so please correct me)
local lastcampos = cam.CFrame.Position
local camdelta =
starSystem.Runtime = rs.PreRender:Connect(function(dt)
camdelta = cam.CFrame.Position - lastcampos
for _,ui in pairs(starSystem.Locations) do
ui.StudsOffsetWorldSpace = camdelta
lastcampos = cam.CFrame.Position
Another Example of the issue
Any form of help is appreciated. This issue has been bugging me for a while and I was struggling to try to fix it all night.
I’m a little confused, the billboard seems to be following the zone locator perfectly fine and since the adornee is moving quite fast, so it the billboard.
If you want to make it smoother, use a ScreenGui and manually update its position each frame using Lerp.
Preferably I don’t want the billboard to move at all and keep it locked on the adornee. I’ll try the screengui, but how would I approach this? Do I use WorldToViewportPoint?
To explain this a little better, I want the billboard to stay put like the image below. As seen in the video, the billboard is moving around a lot
if you don’t want it to move, maybe make a helper part that’s not gonna move and parent the billboard to it?
It’s hard to be more specific because I don’t know how you calculate the part movement.
So the planets are pretty tiny. What I did is put them in a viewportframe and I’m manipulating their positioning, which I’m pretty sure is being moved around a bunch and I think that’s what is causing the billboard to move like that