Billboard gui showing for client not server

Hey, devforum.

I am trying to make a billboard gui appear on their head when a player clicks a screengui button.

I get no error for the script in console at all so I’m just wondering.
Don’t worry about as.NameTag it works. It’s just that the billboard only shows for the client. Not server and other clients.

Client script:

	local seatsLeft = CheckInFrame.EcoFrame.SeatsLeftFrame.SeatNumber
	if seatsLeft.Text == "0" then
		if as.NameTag == true then
			class = "Economy"


local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Main = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("EventNameTag")

Main.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, class)
	local char = player.Character
	local as = require(workspace["AeroSys Self Check-In"].Settings)
	local NameTag = workspace["AeroSys Self Check-In"].NameTag.NameTag
	local NameTagClone = NameTag:Clone()
	NameTagClone.Parent = char:WaitForChild("Head")
	NameTagClone.Adornee = char:WaitForChild("Head")
	NameTagClone.Frame.Class.Text = class
	NameTagClone.Frame.PlayerName.Text = player.Name
	NameTagClone.Frame.Class.TextColor3 = as.NameTagClassColor
	NameTagClone.Frame.PlayerName.TextColor3 = as.NameTagPlayerColor
	NameTagClone.Enabled = true

Please help me find out the correct way to script this.

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The scripts seem fine. Are you sure the MaxDistance is far enough for other clients to see?

Max distance is 3 so shouldn’t be a problem.

That is a problem. 3 is an extremely small amount.

I was meaning to say 30 lol. It seems like it works now.

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If it works please set a solution for this topic so others know it’s solved.