Billboard Gui's size

Sorry if this is hard to understand, I really don’t know how I can explain this.

Basically, I don’t want the gui to be like the images shown above. I want the gui to get smaller if you go away from it and bigger if you go closer to it. In this case, the gui has the same size even if you move away because it scales itself which I don’t want.

Mess with the sizes of the billboardgui

Thats not what I meant. So, if you move away from the billboard gui the billboard scales it self so that it’s size will fit your screen and I want to disable that if possible.

Exactly as I said, mess with the sizes.
Set the billboardgui size to {4,0, 4,0}

It should become a square, and if you move back, it’ll stay the same

Oh wait, that’s what you meant. It works now, ty.

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