You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
- What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
i want to make that a script creats a billboardgui on the players head and a function that keeps updating it
- What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
the billboardGui does not update when i test it
- What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
here is the script
local Ranks = {
Rank1 = {Name = "Poor Donator: I",AmountNeeded = 0}, -- Name, Needed
Rank2 = {Name = "Causal Donator: II", AmountNeeded = 25},
Rank3 = {Name = "Decent Donator: III", AmountNeeded = 50},
Rank4 = {Name = "Good Donator: IV", AmountNeeded = 200},
Rank5 = {Name = "Very Good Donator: V", AmountNeeded = 500},
Rank6 = {Name = "Insane--- Donator: VI", AmountNeeded = 1000},
Rank7 = {Name = "Insane-- Donator: VII", AmountNeeded = 5000},
Rank8 = {Name = "Insane Donator: VIII", AmountNeeded = 10000},
Rank9 = {Name = "OMEGA Donator: IX", AmountNeeded = 20000},
Rank10 = {Name = "OMEGA+++ Donator: X", AmountNeeded = 100000},
local function UpdateRank(plr,char,BillBoardClone)
while task.wait() do
local Donated = plr.leaderstats.Donated
BillBoardClone.Frame.PlayerName.Text = plr.Name
if Donated.Value == 0 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank1.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 25 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank2.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 50 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank3.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 200 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank4.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 500 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank5.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 1000 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank6.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 5000 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank7.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 10000 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank8.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 20000 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank9.Name
elseif Donated.Value >= 100000 then
BillBoardClone.Frame.Rank.Text = Ranks.Rank10.Name
local BillBoardClone = game.ServerStorage.PlayerRank:Clone()
BillBoardClone.Name = "PlayerRank"
BillBoardClone.Parent = char.Head
here is the explorer
tell me if you need more stuff
here is the gui (tesing on another account)
here is the leaderstat
(Dont ask me how i have 5M donated its on roblox studio i didnt actually spend 5m robux)
Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.