BillboardGui don't rotate with part

How can i make billboardGui don’t rotate with part and just on top

I tried lock orientation of part with alight orientation add gui in it and connect parts with Motor6D/Weld/Weld constrait and it lock orientation connected part
this is what happened:

Thanks for help

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Instead of putting Gui into the ball you can try making a separate part with the gui in it and then use heartbeat runservice to update its position to ball offset by some amount in Y.

In the BillboardGui, what properties have you got?

Mess around with the various offset options, as they all behave slightly differently and may help you get what you want,

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Here is properties

Yeah it work thanks, but does this affect optimization too much? Maybe there is some way to optimize it?

I dont think it should impact performance much as long as you dont spawn like a thousand balls. just make sure to disconnect everything once you dont need it, as to not waste memory and processing power.

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I did some testing, and my original suggestion seems to be correct:
Use StudsOffset instead of StudsOffsetWorldSpace, and it fixes the issue.
Using code for it is just unncessary and can affect performance.


Yeah thats right (i didnt know there is actually a property for that LOL learned something new)

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