I’m making a script that will set the Adornee of the BGui to a Part when it’s on a specific Part and inside it has a TextLable that will Change it’s Text to the Item Name.
I have no problem with scripting that, in fact I already made that in my previous game!
The problem that I am having right now is that the BGui deletes it self every time the player Dies even when I set ResetOnSpawn = false
BGui does not show this in the Properties but it does have this Property.
print(BGui.ResetOnSpawn) – It does exist because it printed true or false NOT nil
So does anyone have any Smart work around this Annoying behaviour?
I can however put the BGui inside a ScreenGui but that causes a new Annoying behaviour that shows the BGui twice like what the Chat Bubble was doing the past week. (Using PlayerToHideFrom & Enabled = false does not solve this problem)
If the BGui is parerented to workspace it won’t be deleted but it can’t Detect any Player Input so that sucks.
I am experiencing the same issue, I have set the ResetOnSpawn equal to false on my BillboardGui, yet every time I reset my character the BillboardGui disappears. The BillboardGui is held in a folder inside the PlayerGui and the Adornee is set to a BasePart.