How do you make a BillboardGUI always stay in the same position regardless of the basepart’s orientation? It seems to change wherever it goes…
If you have any solutions, please share! Thanks in advance
How do you make a BillboardGUI always stay in the same position regardless of the basepart’s orientation? It seems to change wherever it goes…
Create a part above the basepart, with a surfaceGUI on it… and then make the part invisible, so that only the surfaceGUI is visible… it will now stay in position and not rotate or move.
If you need it to also follow the basepart (if that part moves)… then weld constrain your new part to the basepart and unanchor the new part.
Isn’t there a better way to do this or is this the best solution?
If it is tied to the part, this is the purpose of the billboard, to change its orientation so that it always faces the player.
Edit: can you show your billboardGUI offset properties… mine isn’t changing orientation like in your video.
Ok i just re-examined your video, you shouldn’t be able to click and drag just the label, how is this set up? please show explorer hierarchy.
sure, here it is! my billboardgui’s orientation is changing tho…
I’m only using ExtentsOffsetWorldSpace
Thats why… don’t use that to offset… use StudsOffset on the Y.
ah okay! but in my experience, it doesn’t position properly as I would like it to, it would kinda move when I look at it in the top view, that’s why I use ExtentsOffsetWorldSpace
Yes the top view down will still allow the billboard to always remain in an upright view for ease of reading… if you want it to remain in the same orientation in that angle (so that it sometimes reads upside down, etc.) then you have to use the first suggestion i presented, so that it is no longer tied to the part. But for all other purposes, the StudsOffset should work.
oh btw, I was using an attachment
I replicated all of your issues just putting a billboard into the part, no attachment… i don’t think the attachment was creating any additional issues.
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