BillboardGui renders behind semi-transparent editable mesh

In my game I have a large editable mesh, which is partially transparent, and a non-transparent billboard GUI which is above the player’s head and infront of the mesh relative to the camera.

While this means the GUI should appear fully visible, it instead appears as if it is behind the mesh.

Expected behavior

The GUI should correctly render as infront of the mesh.

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It seems you’re encountering an issue where the BillboardGui appears behind a semi-transparent editable mesh, even though it should be in front. This is due to the AlwaysOnTop property of the BillBoardGui
Set the AlwaysOnTop property of the BillboardGui to true. This ensures that the GUI renders above other 3D objects, including semi-transparent meshes.

local billboardGui = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui")
if billboardGui then
    billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true

By setting AlwaysOnTop to true, the BillboardGui will consistently render above other 3D objects, resolving the issue you’re experiencing.
for more details, you can refer to the BillboardGui documentation.

I do not want the GUI to be always on top though. This works around the issue but does not solve it. Also, was this response AI generated?


Nope I’m using grammarly tho for my bad english.

Thanks for the report! To help us investigate this, please provide the following:

  • Placefile demonstrating the issue: Please include a placefile that clearly shows the problem you’re experiencing. This saves us valuable time and allows us to focus on finding a solution.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: Even with the placefile, a clear description of how to make the issue happen is very helpful. Please be as specific as possible!