BillboardGuis Displaying Uncontrollably Large Text

Issues with the size of our BillboardGui overhead character UI started being reported ~2 hours ago. We have not changed the behavior of this UI in months, and reports have only come in from PC users, looking like this:

This issue affects this sub-place:

I was able to recreate this issue on PC, but not iOS and not Android. The incorrect behavior reverts to being correct if the local Camera or the Adornee origin of the BillboardGui changes to be a certain distance (between 40 and 54 studs) from the origin of the BillboardGui


Hi, I’m having the same issue. It makes the game unpleasant and difficult to play. I haven’t updated anything since Monday, and it was working fine just a few hours ago.


I was about to submit a report for this issue as well. This bug is currently affecting Survive the Killer.


same issue here


Hi there, the flag has been rolled back and please let us know if the issue is still happening! If possible, please share a repro file for investigation. Thank you!


The issue appears to be fixed in the place I reported. I’m unsure about the other games reported in this thread

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Thanks for confirming! Please share a minimal repro file here in the thread or through DM if possible, this will help much for quicker investigation.

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Works for my game. Thanks for the quick fix! Here’s the affected GUI.
billboardguiexample.rbxm (23.0 KB)



The issue isn’t fixed yet - how can we confirm that the flag is turned on/off for our testers?

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Hi, could you restart the App and try again? I can confirm that the flag is reverted on our end.

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