BillboardGui's selection box gets stuck when selected right after one of its GuiObject children was selected

Bug: I have noticed a small bug where the BillboardGui does not get rid of it’s “outline” when it is deselected.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up a BillboardGui to have any GuiObject as a child of it and have the BillboardGui adorned or parented to a part.
  2. With your mouse, select the GuiObject.
  3. Then select the BillboardGui without deselecting the GuiObject.
  4. Then, deselect the BillboardGui by either clicking in the Viewport or in Explorer.

Result: You will now see that in the explorer, the BillboardGui is not selected. But in the Viewport, you can see that the extents of the BillboardGui are still outlined.

What it should look like:

Hacky fix: The only way to fix it is to select the GuiObject and then deselect everything.


I am currently experiencing this issue. The outlines for both BillboardGui's are visible, despite nothing being selected. Previously, by selecting the part the BillboardGui was parented under immediately after selecting the BillboardGui, the outline would go away. This is no longer the case, it is permanently visible regardless of what I do.

Restarting Studio will cause the outlines to go away, however reselecting the BillboardGui will cause them to return, permanently.

The effect in question.

Screen Shot 2021-11-07 at 8.44.01 PM
The Explorer window, showing I am selecting neither BillboardGui's