Billlboardgui horrible

I need help making a billboardgui look the same size no matter from where you look at it. how yould i do so?


This covers how to go about it.
Instead of using offset for the objects in a Billboard gui, use scale.
which is this:
(1,0,1,0) the 1 is the scale value. This is for the size of the GUI Object, like a frame, or button, etc


wait a minute so this will stop it from getting smaller?


Wait. Its getting smaller?
Sorry I read this wrong.

Do you have a video or something to show me whats happening?
is there code changing the size of it?

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no its just a billboardgui and i dont want it to change its size if you get closer of farer.


Well considering I cant see what is happening I am unable to help you.
More context could help. Or showing me what is happening.


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heres a video i dont want it to change its size!
robloxapp-20230530-1947365.wmv (669.4 KB)


Um do you think you can convert the video to an MP4 that way I dont have to download it?
(I personally hate downloading files from the internet, you never know what could be in them)

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try setting size to something like (0,100,0,100)

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Use offset for the size. That will make it stay the same amount of pixels no matter how far away you are.

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How would i do so
Please provide example


just set the imagelable or text or whatever you have to size {1, 0},{1, 0}

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