Binal Market Affiliation Guide
Greetings, those reading! Binal Market Public Relations has decided to open up this guide that will assist those communities who wish to be have some sort of connection with us, specifically form an alliance with us.
Below, we present to you a guide that the Public Relations Team has discussed and assembled themselves. Please be mindful that you must abide and follow all of the criteria listed.
Industrial Guide
This guide is for Industrial groups such as Cafes, Restaurants, hotels, etc. If you are a group that happens to be a clothing group, school, etc, please read below.
- Having at least 35% group members of our concurrent member count (non-botted)
- No past rank selling
- No bad reputation
- Fully equipped High Rank Team
- 2 Public Relation Representatives
- Built & Scripted Main Facility
- Markets aren’t permitted to affiliate with us
Company Guide
This is for clothing stores, schools, etc. You must meet all expectations in order to affiliate with us.
- Having at least 35% group members of our concurrent member count (non-botted)
- No rank selling
- Fully equipped High Rank Team
- 2 Public Relations representatives
- No bad reputation
- Must have a main facility (Homestore, Schoolground, etc)
For any questions, please direct them to a Public Relations member
Official Affiliate Guide for Binal Market
Composed by the Binal Market Public Relations Team