Bindable event is activating even when a prerequisite is set to false

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? A sprint system that overrides the animations on activation

  2. What is the issue? The bindable event is activating upon starting, and the second on the turns it off, too

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Magnitude (Somewhat works because it tests if you actually move), just playing the animation(Causes you to run while climbing, jumping, or even idling)

A picture of the output. As you can see the sprint automatically activates and turns off in the same tick without me even being loaded in yet, and BIFIRED means that it SHOULD have activated then

A picture of the main sprinting script. Not really much to explain

A picture of the second script. Not much to explain here either

(The actual sprinting works. The animation doesn’t though to elaborate on the problem)

You forgot to add a function to you event connection, the event gets fired but no function gets executed because of this.

    print("Sprint on")
    game.Workspace.AnimationControllers.SprintingAnimations.Disabled = false
    game.Workspace.AnimationControllers.Animations.Disabled = true
    print("Sprint on")
    game.Workspace.AnimationControllers.SprintingAnimations.Disabled = true
    game.Workspace.AnimationControllers.Animations.Disabled = false
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Thanks so much! I can’t believe I overlooked that so easily. I know it’s the answer but now the event just stopped working. I checked out a tutorial and it’s exactly the same. I dunno what’s wrong now.

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