Hello, I have a for loop that runs every 0.1 seconds and looks something like this:
while wait(.1) do
for i, item in ipairs(workspace.People:GetChildren()) do
script.Actor:SendMessage('Instruction', {instructiontable})
retursignal.Event:Once(function(v, guid)
while the actor script looks like this:
script.Parent:BindToMessageParallel('Instruction', @native function(instruction)
local id = game:GetService('HttpService'):GenerateGUID(false)
returnevent:Fire(stuff, id)
print('event fired with id ' .. id)
I couldn’t find anything about :Once replacing items so I would expect it to work as a normal bindable event connection, however the output looks like this:
Moreover, if I add a wait() in the loop the behavior becomes normal, and the id received reflects the id it was sent with.
Is this an engine bug or is there anything I can do to prevent it?