As far as I can think of there should be no need for it to need non-mixed tables, it shouldn’t be converting it to json / whatever seeing as it’s not being sent to a client / server, it’s just being used locally so it should be able to be passed as is
Not sure if this should be here or feature requests, but oh well
No, JSON cannot have mixed tables, that is just invalid JSON.
But yes @Partixel , the reason you cannot have mixed tables is because it is transmitted as JSON which does not support mixed tables (Which are a terrible thing anyway, why are you even using them?!)
I would assume the reason for having both transmitted as JSON is for code re-use so that both types of Event objects transmit with the same message format which makes life a lot easier on their side.
As I said it is probably for code re-use, you can’t just pass a memory address from client to server, so they convert it to JSON and send that. In order to standardise the method of communicating with Event objects, they made both RemoteEvent and BindableEvent use the same method of communication.