Bindables vs ValueBaseObjects

Hi there!

To elaborate the title,

Say if I want to use two different scripts where one script tells the other to do something.

Is it better for me to use a BindableEvents and Functions or use a valuebase object such as BoolValue.

According to this video about 5 powerful code patterns(in this matter Signals),

  • 7:48 – Valuebase Objects
  • 8:08 – BindableEvents

he said that bindableevents recreate tables when you :Fire(mytable), causing it be slow, expensive and loose information.

Can I have the pros and cons about these two?

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I would imagine for most applications it really doesnt matter all that much
Unless youre making a super high performance system that runs constantly with a ton of data transfer I cant imagine you would see many performance benefits either way

I do agree its a bit short sided to completely ignore value objects and never see them as another tool you can use because theyre typically seen as something a β€œnewbie” would use, but I also think there are very good uses for bindable events and they shouldnt be shunned just because they duplicate tables

Id say use what works best for your current application, if its easier to use bindable events and it will result in clearer/more organized scripts, simpler code, or even if you are just more used to bindable events Id say that despite the slight performance cut, its worth it to use bindable events in most cases
The same applies to value objects but opposite