Binding W and S with ContextActionService overrides VehicleSeat throttle

I have a car chassis and all is going well, but as soon as I binded W and S with ContextActionService to handle other events, it stopped the throttle from changing on the VehicleSeat.

As seen here, I just bind W and S for use in other things, all I do in the burnouts function is set an attribute on a folder that W or S is being held.

ContextActionService:BindAction("KeyboardWHelded", burnouts, false, Enum.KeyCode.W)	
ContextActionService:BindAction("KeyboardSHelded", burnouts, false, Enum.KeyCode.S)	

So, the burnout function works but now the Throttle property on the VehicleSeat is not updating anymore, it now constantly stays at 0. I’ve even attached a OnPropertyChanged to the VehicleSeat to see if something changes it and nothing does.

I’m thinking that binding W and S to the burnouts function unbinded the W and S from the changing the throttle on the VehicleSeat, how can I fix this? Is there another way without using UserInputService to get if W and S are being held on the server or client?

Have you tried returning Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass in your burnouts function? This return allows the input to be handled by other binds.

local function burnouts()
    --Code here
   return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass

Thank you so much I never knew such a thing even existed.

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