Biome change creates unnatural elements (terrain generation)

I have a terrain generation system where there are currently two biomes: mountain biome and flat biome

Changing from the mountain biome to the flat biome can look unnatural because the flat biome cuts through the middle of a mountain in the mountain biome.

The code I use to generate a tile:

function getTile(x,y,chunk)
	local xNoise = chunk.x * noiseFactor + (x/divFactor)
	local yNoise = chunk.y * noiseFactor + (y/divFactor)
	local xNoiseBiome = biomeSeedOffset + xNoise/divFactorBiome
	local yNoiseBiome = biomeSeedOffset + yNoise/divFactorBiome
	local noiseValBiome = math.noise(xNoiseBiome, yNoiseBiome, seedValue)+1
	local noiseVal = math.noise(xNoise, yNoise, seedValue)+1
	--biome change test
	if noiseValBiome < 1 then

	local transform = biome.transform(noiseVal, biomeInfo)
	--tile object
	return {
		height = flatten(transform[1]),
		color = transform[2],
		specialGeneration = transform[3],