Birthday Party GXF | Part 1

So today is my birthday and to celebrate it, i made a GFX whit my player, also this is just part 1 and its kinda rushed and it’s my first time using an HDRI, but i will add more things onto the scene later this day or maybe tomorrow, what do you think about it?


Happy Birthday Sh4dow1234

I think the gfx make you look a bit lonely I would add more people and make the background look more happy

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Happy Birthday :partying_face:

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Happy birthday and have party decorations around the place while sitting on a bench to make it more your having a great time and be happy

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Happy birthday!

Like @CharlieBarley5 said, add some party decorations, here are a few ideas:

  • Balloons
  • Small cupcakes on the table
  • Maybe adding more people with party hats
  • More background decorations

These are just a few ideas.

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Happy birthday!

You should add some more decoration and maybe put a few of your friends in the GFX. Still, great job.

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May I offer you the warmest of wishes on your birthday.

I do really like the scene you’ve created, I think the background actually blends in amazingly.

Improvement wise, most of its good. I’d possibly look at the bench texture as it seems a bit too shiny so may want to consider the reflectance on that but other than that love it.

Have a great Birthday,

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Happy birthday! :birthday::partying_face:

Try to add some decorations and some of your friends to your scene, it will look much better :smiley:

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Happy birthday!
Maybe add more people you look a bit lonely.

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Happy birthdayy :partying_face:

I’m not a GFX artist myself but I agree with the others about adding more decorations to the bench and the background! Shading overall looks neat and its a pretty good GFX :+1:

I hope you aren’t spending your birthday sitting alone and eating cake by yourself! :wink:

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It’s really good in my opinion. I like all of the details, but the background looks a bit too realistic. There’s not THAT much of a problem with that. And possibly add more people at the table, more food, and some birthday decorations.

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Happy birthday!!
It’s a really cool GFX. I think it would be better with a sunny scene and a little bit more of lightning. Also with more decoration and with friends as said before :D!

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Hopefully they are all 6 feet apart and wearing masks! :stuck_out_tongue:

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depends were you are but follow the rules
and it is imagery it can be when ever he wants

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Honestly with I was in new zealand rn…

Yeah, it was just a joke! Stuff it with your friends!

I’m only there for the cake…

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Yeah i was planning to add some avatars of my friends but I was very busy irl, but im gonna do that on part 2.

Thanks guys for your words of kindness and your suggestions, I will add more details on part 2.