Bizarre LuaHeap Issue

Hey guys! So basically let me lay out the scenario in point form:

  • My game’s luaheap keeps rising exponentially fast (client side)
  • It only seems to be raising for me but not for other players
  • We have gone through and patched all memory leaks we could find and fixed up connections
  • At one point it would jump every time I reset but I seem to have disabled the module scripts causing that issue
  • Luaheap still keeps rising for me but not for others even after disabling those
  • The game takes ages for me to load in and play, and so does studio (which will sometimes just abort the loading if it takes too long)

I’m not really a scripter so I don’t know how else to tackle the problem. I can’t tell if my internet has something to do with it?

Would greatly appreciate the help!
