Black Background Image

might be a dumb question, but is there a way to use images with a black background and remove the background in roblox studio? I always used to do this in previous game engines and my own game engine made on top of a framework, so I wanted to know if I could do the same in roblox studio

Just set BackgroundTransparency to 1

I think you misunderstood :sweat_smile:

I want to know if there’s a way to simply make a black background transparent in roblox studio

see how this has a black background? I wanna know if there’s a way to make the black background also transparent, I’m also fine if I have to edit it in a photo editing software

I’m not too sure with an image like that but I think you are able to change BackgroundTransparency to 1 making it transparent

You’ll need to use a photo editor. Studio doesn’t have anything to do that.

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You need to use the .PNG format. .JPG/.JPEG does not support transparency as far as I know.