Black floating meshes causing lag when close to it and disappearing

When i play on Studio solo or in Experience, there are those weird meshes that randomly appear, i can still see them even in the lowest graphics and i’m assuming their material is neon and brickcolor is black.

Expected behavior

I’ve tried removing scripts that could cause such glitches, removed some parts if that fixed it and it does not seem to be a selectable object nor that it appears in the explorer.

Sorry if this is the wrong topic for such stuff, this is my first topic :slightly_smiling_face:

This obviously isn’t a bug for Roblox engineers to fix, so yes, it is in the wrong category. Consider closing this post and reposting it in #help-and-feedback asking for advice on what is causing this issue in your game

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Okay thank you for notifying me, i’ll close it.

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