Black hole ability VFX feedback

Hello! I’m Pew, a VFX artist with around 1 year of experience.
Some time ago I made a little black hole ability which I think turned out pretty well. I’d love to hear some feedback on it!

(this might be a shameless plug, but if you like my work I recommend checking out my other videos!)


10/10! Very nice! Keep making cool stuff like this :open_mouth:

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This black hole ability VFX looks INSANELY GOOD AND EXCELLENT! NICE JOB ON IT! It’s awesome! What will this be used for? How long did it take to make this?

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I’m glad you like the effect! In response to your questions; I made it for practice so it’s not going to be used anywhere and it took me around 30 hours. I was pretty burnt out from my previous project so it took me a week to put the concept (and myself) together

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30 hours is a looong time, but worth it for this ability vfx.

it looks so good and i wish it would have been put into a game.

All the best people who do vfx never publish games :sob:

that looks amazing, lots of respect for the work put in

I’m a sucker for space stuff. I love this! I love learning about space stuff all the time! I rate this a 10/10

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Very nice job, 9/10. For when the black hole explodes at the end I recommend a lil bit of camera shake to really express the impact.

You know it’s good when Philips using all caps🗣️

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I’m glad you like the effect, and I agree that I should’ve added a screen shake. I’ve been considering it, but I was getting a bit tired at the end and I still had lots of school work to do, so I ended up scratching the screen shake.

Crazy good work … the sound effect for that will take another 20 hours.