Black outlined images?

If you look closely at the shine effect on this window you can tell it doesn’t look crispy clean at all with black outlines around it. How do you create an image without this happening?


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Can I see what it looks like in the art editor?


Some solutions to this problem have been covered by @Quenty in his #development-resources:community-tutorials thread on the subject. You can find more information on his method of reducing black outlines from decals at the following links:

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As pointed out in the link, the fully transparent parts are black, and they need to be white. In paint .net a quick fix is to make your background white with a transparency of 254 out of 255 instead of completely transparent. This stops paint defaulting back to black.

This is a website I use made by someone on the devforum, but I don’t know who (comment and tell me if you made it). It removes the black outlines. All you have to do is click the button on the right saying “Choose File”, and pick your image.

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