Black outlines in Studio

This started happening since last update, in roblox studio, in every file, I see there are these jarring black lines that only show up on edges of walls, characters, and pretty much every brick in roblox studio.
It changes depending on different camera angles. It looks like a graphical error and I don’t know how to fix it.

what are these black lines.PNG

What is your GPU model? I remember seeing black lines in Minecraft when fiddling with the graphics settings in the video card control panel.

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What’s your Settings → Rendering → EditQualityLevel and how does it affect it?

Does it happen in player, and if so - on what quality levels?

What OS and GPU model do you have?

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It only happens in Roblox Studio.
These are my settings for Rendering:

I switched EditQualityLevel to Automatic and it has fixed it. Neato

Just to make sure, what is GraphicsMode (in Settings → Rendering) set to?

And also can I ask you to check what’s the first EditQualityLevel value that this happens on (the lowest number), and post a screenshot with the render result at this quality?

I’d like to basically gather enough info to be able to address this - while setting quality to Automatic in Studio is an okay workaround I’d like to make sure the bug itself is fixed.

Sorry for the late reply,

My GraphicsMode in settings rendering is:

In the screenshot I provided, the EditQualityLevel value was:

The lowest level that this bug starts occurring on my computer is:

At Level19, the outline bug disappears

At level20, the lowest level that this bug occurs looks like this:

Level19 looks like this and it appears to be fixed on my end:

Perhaps this has something to do with roblox’s automatic aliasing on the highest quality settings?

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