Recently, I have been trying to create a Mod Call for my game that when pressed, would send a request to a discord webhook. This works perfectly fine but the Blacklist Settings does not work, whenever I try to blacklist/unblacklist someone it just doesn’t work. All and any help is appreciated, so thank you in advance
local blacklistedusers = {1,1,1,1} -- User id not name
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer
local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local blacklistds = dss:GetDataStore("BlacklistedUsers")
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local webhook = "Some link"
local groupid = 4170345
local adminrank = 100
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if msg:sub(1,11) == "/blacklist " and v:GetRankInGroup(groupid) >= 100 then
local msguserid = msg:sub(12)
blacklistds:SetAsync(msguserid, true)
local data = {
["username"] = "User Blacklisted",
["content"] = "```".."User Id: "..msg:sub(12).. " has been blacklisted by: "..v.Name.."```"
local newdata = http:JSONEncode(data)
if v.UserId == msguserid then
v:Kick("Your blacklisted from using the Mod Call - NAC :)")
if v.UserId == msguserid then
local background = v.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = false
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "You are blacklisted from using this, appeal in the discord."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,0,0)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Your are blacklisted"
if msg:sub(1,13) == "/unblacklist " and v:GetRankInGroup(groupid) >= 100 then
blacklistds:SetAsync(msg:sub(14), false)
local data = {
["username"] = "User Removed from Blacklist",
["content"] = "```".."User Id: "..msg:sub(14).." has been unblacklisted by: "..v.Name.."```"
local newdata = http:JSONEncode(data)
local background = v.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = true
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "Why do you need an administrator to appear? (Explain in detail)."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,212,212)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Abuse of this system can have large consequences!"
for i,banneduserid in pairs(blacklistedusers) do
if v.UserId == banneduserid then
local background = v.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = false
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "You are blacklisted from using this, appeal in the discord."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,0,0)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Your are blacklisted"
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if blacklistds:GetAsync(v.UserId, true) then
local background = v.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = false
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "You are blacklisted from using this, appeal in the discord."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,0,0)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Your are blacklisted"
if blacklistds:GetAsync(plr.UserId, true) then
local background = plr.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = false
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "You are blacklisted from using this, appeal in the discord."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,0,0)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Your are blacklisted"
I have not receive this kind of problem, whenever I test it in Studio it says the correct player UserId. But if you do a 2 player test in Studio, I believe their player UserId is 1 and 2.
This is only a test case, if you’re simply pressing the play button in studio then it’s based on your user id. if you’re using server test then the numbers are negative.
As he stated previously, I’d recommend trying to use Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player)
Studio has a case where if you’re testing some times your player joins before PlayerAdded can be fired tho. So with that in mind, you’d want to make something along the lines. This would ultimately go on the server.
local blacklistedusers = {1,1,1,1} -- User id not name
local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local blacklistds = dss:GetDataStore("BlacklistedUsers")
local http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local webhook = "Some link"
local groupid = 4170345
local adminrank = 100
local Connections = {} --never hurts to manage your connections
local function HandleBlacklist(Player) -- Only do this if the player is Blacklisted
local background = Player.PlayerGui.ModCall.Background
background.Call.Visible = false
background.Reason.PlaceholderText = "You are blacklisted from using this, appeal in the discord."
background.Reason.PlaceholderColor3 =,0,0)
background.Subtitle.Text = "Your are blacklisted"
local function OnJoin(Player)
Connections[Player] = Player.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
-- Code to process chat commands would go here.
if Player:GetRankInGroup(groupid) >= adminrank then
local Success, Data = pcall(function() return dss:GetAsync(Player.UserId) end)
if Success and Data then -- being Data is just a bool value in this scenario this should be fine.
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if Connections[Player] then Connections[Player]:Disconnect() end
You just leaked your webhook and this is running on the client.
So even if you didn’t, it would be eventually.
You can’t make requests from HTTPService from the client, and some of this code would be simplified with functions. Also, you’re doing validation from the client, meaning people could just sidestep your check and get elevated access. I’d point out the use of SetAsync and Datastores on the client, but I feel like that’s the least of your worries currently.
So here’s what I would do.
Move everything to the server and use remote events to send data to the client.
But that’s if I was being paid to make a system like this and the client was stubborn.
Also, rate limiting.
Design your systems with security in mind, use sanity checks when getting inputs from the client, assume all inputs are compromised, and don’t allow anything to replicate if there’s a possibility that something could be messed with.
In its current state, if this were live, it’d be only a matter of time before someone stumbles upon the vulnerabilities and floods the webhook which is stored in plain text on the client.