Blacksite Zeta - February 28th Update Log

Content Additions

  • New Main Menu - The old menu was fine but not structured too well and had a lot of underlying issues, the new menu has a more user-friendly design and should experience problems far less frequently.

  • New Interaction System - The old system was very dated and has not properly allowed us to scale up its usage in an effective way, now a new one is in place which performs better and is much easier to work with.

  • New F.I Spawn & Administration Area - The old F.I spawn area was pretty much just a boring closet, now F.I have a much more dedicated spawn for themselves, it was also no secret that the Administration Area could do with some reworking and so it has been.

  • Elite System - Elite Status is now obtainable. You can only have elite on one team at once but may swap it over to other teams with a 3-day cooldown. Elite Status gives you several benefits which make you stand out and also gives you unique abilities on certain teams you can activate by pressing the ‘Z’ key. You can gain Elite Status by interacting with the Classified Documents located within the Administration Area once you have enough XP (125,000).

  • Loadout System - You can now swap out your loadout for most teams via an interactable locker around their spawn area, using this you can change the outfit & tool-set you wish to spawn with - everything automatically saves.

  • Control Room - There is now a Control Room located in the Administration Area that players can access to view some live-layouts of the facility that update certain interactables depending on their current status

  • Global Credits Leaderboard - There is now a Global Credits Leaderboard located near the Checkpoint Area which will show which players have the most in-game credits.


  • Perk Changes - Most perks have undergone some changes this update, those changes being:

    • ‘Rogue’ - Visual Armor accessories no longer show.

    • ‘Brute’ - You no longer get extra max armor & the wounded state no longer slows you down. You can also run in to push doors to shove them open.

    • ‘Tactician’ - Max Armor now slows you down more, you can use the new loadout system to use outfits with more light armor for better speeds.

    • ‘Frost’ - You can now receive 2 mutation attributes that were seen with the Christmas update last year - Blizzard & Freezer.

  • Concussion Mine Changes - The concussion mine has always been a very under-used gadget and we hope to change that with this update. The concussion mine will now have a short activation period and will fly in to the air with some rotation before detonating, anyone within its radius when it detonates will be sent flying backwards with the usual stun effect combined with a ragdoll.

  • Voiceline Changes - Most voice announcements are now localized and will play through speakers located in various areas instead of globally.

  • Material Changes - Altered Sector-2 materials to be a combination between concrete & metal instead of just full concrete.


  • Added Plaques around the facility that show the current Director.

  • Bunker Area Entrance has been slightly re-designed & now has a new blast door.

  • ‘Donna’ Vendor has been re-located to the 2nd floor of the armory.

  • New Door Node System (used to dynamically place down door prefabs using master copies at run-time).

  • Gun Shot volume & range has been universally lowered, several gun shot sounds have been changed and weapons now have pitch variation.

  • Destroyable Barricade audio range has been universally lowered.

  • Fixed a bug where the hide name tag setting would fail to work properly.

  • Fixed a few bugs with the ‘Death Defier’ ability.

  • Various Performance Improvements.

  • Buffed the M9.

  • Buffed the MP5.

  • Buffed the Kriss Vector.

  • Buffed the FAMAS.

  • Buffed the M249 SAW.

  • Buffed the MP7 & MP7 [S].

  • Added a cooldown to the Sledgehammer.

  • Push Doors now have to be manually closed & normal doors can be manually closed.

  • Removed Tutorials.


the man