Blade Masters ~ A new take on a simulator~

A Plee for Help lol

Hey, this is Plethoa, one of the lead builder and owner of Splash Studios. We have finished the map for our new game Blade Masters, I was just wondering if any of you devs could take a look around the map and critique me on anything I may to fix. Please only judge things that are visible, such as the map, scenery, lighting, ect. Do not worry about game mechanics and such as those are being worked on as I type this post. Please give me all your feedback as it will help me make the map better. thanks!



Blade Master - Roblox


Pretty hard to tell you when I get stuck in the loading screen, but from the thumbnail and Icon… It sofar looks great!


Sorry about that, my scripter forgot to publish the rest


I saw your map and look great, only some little thing to improuve to make it perfect and way better.
First the statue I think you forgot to anchor it (the statu was glitched in the ground) :

After for the brigde, the grass pass trough it :

The sign for the egg isn’t in center (but idk if you wanted to put it like that) :

After some grass are trough building like this :

Still the grass, some are flying :

In the prenium island one coins don’t move (idk if its only a bug) :

And for the prenium portail, there is a big black rectangle :

That all I see when I explored little bit your game, if you find an tester he can find all thing but you can try by yourself, if you improuve all thing like that, the game look more worked and more profesional and player want that game. Keep that work :smiley:


Reply thanks for the help, yeah I forgot to fiz everything lol. Will take this all into consideration. Thank you for your in depth review.