BLADEBOUND: New Combat Features

Hello! I’m here to shout out about our new ideas for combat in BLADEBOUND, giving you a more unique combat feel on Roblox!

Our new features that we will be developing and experimenting with consist of:

  • Off-balance attacks. (causes attack angle to change when moving sideways in camera lock, adding challenge and strategy.)

  • Unique and diverse AI strategies. (No fight ever feels the same.)

  • A rage/comeback mechanic (if you are in critical health, your attack damage gains a minor boost!)

  • Slightly speeded up the pace of combat to make it feel smooth, and enjoyable! (All in the reflexes!)

  • Special Attacks! (Magic!)

This is just a little update on what we are working on. We are excited to be working on this project, and I’m excited just talking about it! As always, we appreciate your feedback. Thank you!

Minus the jumping and weapons are old as hell