One of our biggest features we have to offer for BLADEBOUND is the big landscape players can explore, here are two examples of our mountains! (those ones are tough to make!) Feedback is always appreciated and influences the game’s direction! Exploration is one of the main things that players will be doing, so environment is key.


Super constructive:

It’s hard to call something like that a “feature”; put yourself in the players shoes, they’re going to look at that for a split second, and then look away, just for them to never think about it again. They’re not going to explore those mountains at all (unless theres something there like a hidden mountain base~).

They look good tho!

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Haha good point! It is just a showcase of our terrain work, which is looking sharp in my opinion, I just appreciate environmental features like this!

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It definitely is not eye-catching. I would probably think it’s blocked off by invisible walls and just used as background effect to make the world feel bigger. It needs more vegetation, more variety, and more indicators that there is something worth exploring there. Think of smoke clouds from campfires, a path heading into the mountains, chopped down trees, etc. Give the area the impression that a thousand other people have been there before and interacted with the space around it.


The mountains look okay. You could definitely use more detail, like some rock in there. I would recommend using a heightmap instead. You can get much more realistic mountains that way.