Blades & Banners RPG

Hey guys, recently I got to work with a really cool team of software engineers and graphic artists from my college to work on this game called ‘Blades & Banners’ based entirely on Game of Thrones. Below I will post some of the game’s main concepts along with some serious questions to do with being able to achieve our plan.

We are working on an incredibly large scale RPG. We have invested in external dedicated servers from ROBLOX to allow us to integrate a precise universe features. All of our ‘places’ act as ‘cells’ to one server. This means all of our places are linked with teleports, and examples of what this achieves are things like having the time of day (which changes) in sync for all places even when they are empty. This allows players to physically travel the seven kingdoms, taking their morph, health status, wallet, horse, party GUI etc with them from place to place. We have a work around to allow 50+ players per server and the implementation of groups as a game mechanic allow an even more depthful RPG experience. Now this has all been tested and works, but I’ve been wavering on whether or not this is breaking the ROBLOX rules?

Allied to the group hub will be seven groups, one for each kingdom. Using ‘The North’ as an example, the ranks for these kingdoms will be the houses they consist of. So the ranks would be 1- Stark, 2 - Umber, 3- Forrester and so on. The game reads this, “If player is in group x, and rank is 1, then player gets house stark access”. Being in the ‘house’ rank of a kingdom allows you to maintain all the current features that houses currently have in their independent groups, except it’s in-game. So your title, lordship or squire for example, is something you must earn in-game. Rolesets like this are determined by the players in game. This will be a properly scripted system alongside group household treasury funds and so on in-game. It’s easier to understand these concepts if you imagine this is an MMO rather than a ROBLOX game.

The role playing mechanics and group integration into the game allows a constant real-world experiences that RPBLOX groups alone are unable to achieve. In ROBLOX groups, the owner of the group, high ranks and so on are able to invisibly manipulate the members, but this system gives us the potential to achieve the essence of Game of Thrones with betrayals, change, alliances, growth and destruction. The mechanics will be built to allow committed players the opportunity to experience the game they way they want with who they want to be. Trolls, noobs and ‘work at a pizza place’ fanatics will be unable to obtain power in the universe depending on the hand-picked candidates we elect at launch to run each house. The Baratheons and Lannisters are in charge of maintaining their individual houses & King’s Landing. It is up to them to appoint in-game city watch etc using the extensive GUI systems to maintain their own well-being. This is the kind of system that is best seen in practical use to understand.

I hope our project interests you and you take the time to see some of our small content with map design! But the real question I’m asking here is how ‘legal’ is all of this external server hosting and data storage stuff we are doing in respect to the ROBLOX rules? Thanks guys,

Cool idea. I kept losing connection (like 5 times in a row) so I stopped trying for now.

I am asking around about the rules of offsite data storage.

The main thing, as always, is supporting our chat filters for the different age groups and protecting user privacy. I don’t see an immediate problem here.

I can’t connect either :frowning:

I was able to connect. The only thing that is there is a unfinished medium quality build of a Game of Thrones castle. Also it’s weird that the other Game of Thrones RP game’s owner “Crownlands” only just got hacked and his places taken down.

Thanks for expressing an interest! :slight_smile: I’ll be sure to implement the LOD system we made for keeping the part count optimal shortly, that should certainly sort out the issues people seem to have connecting.

I don’t think its breaking the rules at all, I’m pretty sure that’s what HttpService is for. All of my old games stored the data and even did matchmaking through outside servers. I just couldn’t afford fast enough servers, so I stopped doing it.

Cool place. The castle is incredibly large (although a bit sparse) and I wish I could zoom out more to see all of it. Have you thought about doors and gates that swing open? CanCollide-false seems rather cheap. [size=1]Also, that bug sound in the town is very annoying.[/size]

I love the map. Add my skype, Alexhicks1996. I’d love to discuss the game with you. I’ve done a few large scale RPGs so hopefully I can offer some tips that will save you many headaches.

Kestrel is already on the banter bus.
