Blank Spacement Issue in Experience Name (5-7/14-16 Characters)

When using the Roblox Website, I encountered a bug related to the display of the experiences. If the name of an experience contains between 5 and 7 or 14 and 16 characters, there is an unusual spacing issue that affects the display of the experience on the website.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Log in to the Roblox website.
  2. Navigate to the Discover section.
  3. Analyze the experience name with 5-7 and/or 14-16 characters.

Expected Behavior

The experience’s name should be displayed without any blank spaces or irregular formatting, maintaining a consistent visual appearance.

Actual Behavior

When the experience’s name contains 5-7 and/or 14-16 characters, a blank space is displayed between the characters, resulting in an inconsistent visual appearance:

Page URL:


This may be intentional as the current player count and like ratio are all at the same position no matter the name length. I am used to having them right below the name, but it seems Roblox might prefer having them all centered to each other.


Unsure if this be intentional as you said, although, I will let this topic open until we have an accurate answer (if it makes sense). :face_with_monocle:


Thanks for sharing the feedback.
This was an intentional design choice so that the player count and like ratio show up on the same line.
However, we continuously improve the UI and we have taken your feedback into account for our future improvements.

Thank you for your feedback again and please let us know if you have further questions or concerns.