Blast Door - Feedback/Criticism

I made a blast door, it’s meant to be a divider between two areas, sort of like a checkpoint. I feel like it looks a little plain though, so what should I add, or what should I get rid of?





The door looks good but do you have a Tweening animation for the Door? If you have can you send a gif so I can help you.

I just moved the door part to its location when it would be opened, I have a scripter who will handle the actual moving.

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Firstly, I think the scenery you will add to it, like the map itself, will blend in better. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, basically just wait until the rest of the map is made so it compliments the blast door.

You can also add a few nails and designs on it.

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  • It’s plain but simple. I like it.
  • Could have been taller by one extra segment if it was a blast door that allowed large goods or vehicles through.
  • The sections could be filled with crosses or diagonals for extra detail. Otherwise the entire blast door is fine as it is.
  • Another suggestion would be some warning signs or pictograms indicating that door is a blast door.

If you really want to add some realism, it takes a little bit more memory, then add some metallic or scratchy textures to the darker metal part. Other than that, it looks fine to me.

Use bolts made of spheres, or if concerned about lag, use bolt textures that coincide with the generally minimalistic theme you have going on.

Also consider warning/danger lines – yellow and black diagonal lines that will warn you of the door’s movements. Although it is completely unnecessary in Roblox, it is more aesthetically convincing.

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Thanks for the suggestions! The door is meant for keeping people (not vehicles) out of a spot. It’s essentially a bulkhead door meant to separate people when it’s necessary. For any gate that needs vehicles going through it will be taller.

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