Our team is making a truly huge RPG game, with tons of quests, rich lore and realistic/fantastic (did i also mention huge?) world.
Currently we are working on puzzle-quests, meaning something, to solve which players will need to use all of their logic, imagination, and general knowledge.
One idea we came up with, is having a door that leads to maybe a mystical reward, maybe something else. But to open the door players will need to enter password, which they can get by exploring the extremely massive map in details.
So what i need you creative lot to do, is give me similar ideas of interesting puzzles. We can make anything happen with scripting, so sky is the limit, let your imagination run wild.
Any and all ideas will be appreciated and quite possibly implemented into the game, which will be shared with you all first as soon as it’s out.
P.S. Am i allowed to put a discord link of the game here so that interested people can join and contribute further to the development by genius ideas?
Make a quest you can’t actually beat, then make a badge for beating it. like how in that one old fallout game you could just be completey lied to by NPCs about there being stuff at some places
Sadly, no. It wasn’t something I played firsthand in a Fallout game, and could’ve just been me misremembering from multiple similar-style things I was watching. It was either a “Shorts” style Youtube video about Fallout talking about a specific NPC interaction, or some video praising the 2 first Fallout games for their lack of holding the player’s hand that spoke about a quest that cannot be achieved, due to the NPC lying to you about a nonexistent prize at a certain area.