About Us
Hello! We are Blaze’d. A ROBLOX restaurant aspiring to change the industry by creating amazing experiences like no other.
The Team
@me = builder & graphic artist 1
@svoultaken = owner and chief
About The Job
We’re searching for ONE GFX (graphic) Artist, one scripter, and a few management team members,
For each job, more will be explained when you contact us.
We’re paying by game’s percentage, so consider this a volunteer project if the games don’t make any sales.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: nicholas#0509
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading!
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I’ve removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “optional tags” section is for.
Will you by any chance need an animator? You know, to animate the fork or spoons? Because I can help with that
I am interested in the graphics job. I am Puggerly#9139.
Hmm…Let me ask the owner, and I’ll get back to you ASAP. <33
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Hello im interested in this! Im looking forward to the management position(s) i also make GFX,Clothing,Scripts,and models!
Do you have any previous experience within the industry as an MR+?
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