Blender Adaptive Subdivision Surface Crashing Computer

I was attempting to use adaptive on subdivision surfaces in blender 2.8 so I could get more realistic terrain out of my textures, instead of having them look cheap or flat.

However, every time I try to render, my computer’s memory skyrockets and my whole computer freezes then crashes.

I’m not sure why this happens though, because when I watch other youtubers online use it in tutorials, it works out completely fine for them.

I have a pretty decent computer, so I’m pretty surprised that it can’t handle this.

If anyone has any solutions to this problem or workarounds that still achieve a similar result, it would be much appreciated!

I made a test file to see if it would crash my computer just the terrain and a paint v3 rig alone:
TEST.blend (4.9 MB)

My computer specs are:
i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU
GTX 1060 3GB GPU
16 GB Ram 2133 MHz

Is it crashing when you’re rendering or when you just crank up the modifier?

When I render, I’ll edit that.

Oh okay, Because I saw your rendering settings with the blend file you’ve incorporated and your feature set is on the Experimental setting, Its experimental for a reason, its still in the testing stages and you may encounter some problems like crashing so I would suggest switching to the supported setting

Adaptive subdivision is an experimental only feature.

By any chance do you know any fixes to the problem or workarounds?

Oh that’s why I can’t find that modifier lol.

Okay, What I usually do to get a realistic terrain is, I would go into edit mode, crank the subdivide level up and I use the displacement modifier and apply a cloud texture and this is the result for that:

But The most easiest way to get the realistic terrain for me is using the A.N.T Landscape Plugin:
3 2

It has a lot of settings you can play around and modify the landscape to your liking.

However regarding your problem I think the Multi-Res is the alternative modifier to your process.

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Thanks for the plugin man! Will definitely look into it and see how it works out.