Blender Animation jittering

Hey! I’m trying to import some animations I made on Blender for a custom rig but they jitter and do some weird stuff on Roblox Studio. Did anyone experience this? How could I fix it?

How it’s supposed to look (Blender):

How it looks (Roblox Studio):

Thank you for reading!


It looks like the animation is playing just fine, the issue is I think it’s dealing with gravity and the movement of the rootpart (??) I may be completely wrong, but like I said, it looks more like the animation is working just fine, gravity and physics are just doing their job.

For example, in the blender animation, the paws go beneath the “ground” a little, but in roblox, the ground is solid. So instead of just phasing through the baseplate, it works using physics.

Long story short, it seems like a part that has collisions is moving/animating, pushing against the ground, therefore causing the model to move.


Thanks for replying! The gyazo video is in the animator editor (no game running), so physics aren’t playing their part.

Yeah, I apologize but I was using the term “physics” very loosely to describe the movement. Here’s a better outline of what I’m trying to say:

To my knowledge, certain parts of rigs (I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the humanoid root part) are unable to phase through the ground (AKA the bottom white grid of the animation scene), even in the animation editor. I may be wrong but last time I messed with rigs I distinctly remember the humanoid root part colliding against the ground in the animation editor, refusing to push it further. Any attempts to move it down further simply pushed it back up, altering the height of the animation scene floor.

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Hey! I tried moving the rig to midair but issue still happening. You were suggesting me to do that, right? Thanks for replying btw