Blender Animation Plugin Exporting Not Working

What I want to achieve is for the exporting when I use the blender animations plugin to work correctly.

The Issue is when I export nothing works correctly or as expected: Video Proof Here:

The things I have tried are re-installing the plugin and using a whole other PC but nothing seems to work. Just for more information even when the part is can collide disabled It still has this issue.

It would really mean a bunch if anyone can provide help furthermore I would like to add that If you want to contact me directly you can by adding R7#6484 or dev forum messaging.

Blender Version Is Blender 2.9


Ok so I think its due to the rigging being bad i suggest not using moon animator and using the default roblox rig adder that may OR may not help

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I tried the default even, and this issue has been happening to many users. Furthermore, the moon rig has been working for me beforehand.

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welp then just report it to roblox! every single roblox updates brings a feat- bug

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I mean at this point that is sadly looking like the only fix. And I think that this happened most likely due to the recent roblox update.

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But maybe it is unrelated to an update I really hope someone can find a solution

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This is also happening to me, I hope Denis updates it

Do you have team create on? If you have team create on, it will not work.

Did you manage to fix it?
i have a solution, this terrorized me for days, until i found out lol

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