I’m trying to create a viewmodel animation for my weapons, almost an year ago I’ve been able to do that with no struggle whatsoever, but now, there’s seem to be some problems with the blender animations plugin.
Here a demonstration of how the animation supposed to look in blender and how it looks imported to roblox:
I’ve tried to downgrade blender and remaking the rig from the scratch using Headstackk’s guide. It didn’t help at all. There’s no anchored parts except viewmodel’s primary part. Should add the fact that animating through moon animator works perfectly fine, so the problem is not in the rig.
All are your transforms applied? It seems that the items are rotating, but instead, it’s about their own axis. Make sure the animation is parented to the objects.
Hi. Sorry for the late reply. I managed to figure out the problem right now.
I’ve remembered I had an old similar place, where I used a custom rig that I’ve animated in blender. I started to compare them between each other, the first thing I’ve noticed that my new rig used AnimatorController instead of Humanoid. I tried changing it but it didn’t work. By the way, the old rig was exporting animations perfectly fine. Then I started to compare the rig itself - everything seemed perfect, until I tried to look for the PrimaryPart. I open up the model properties, and then it hit me. Models have scale properties now. When I saw it, I knew it was the issue, if you think about it - it makes perfect sense. I set the scale to 1 and now everything works. Thank you for your contribution